Why? A word commonly used with different people in different circumstances to different peers. Why? A word which can invite the spirit. Why? A word, on the other hand, which can show contempt and disagreement? One word which has started the domino effect to many inventions and ideas which have shaped, showed, and changed the world.
The power of one word. The power of one person. In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control over England. In 1776, one vote caused the American language to be English instead of German. In 1868, one vote caused President Jackson to not be impeached. In 1941, one vote caused Adolf Hitler to be put into power. It was just one Samaritan which saved the man left to die in the desert in between Jerusalem and Jericho. Noah was one man commanded of God to build an ark and save his people and continue the human race. Christ was one man who was "prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem [His] people."(Ether 3:14) He came to earth to fulfill the law and a task which would save everyone who had come, was living, and was to be born from eternal torment. All it takes is one lost sheep for Christ to go and save. The Atonement is for the one.
A fellow missionary and myself were visiting an older gentleman who had not attended church in some time. He was complaining to us about the world in which he lived, and that he had no say or part in it. The conversation was abruptly concluded when I was guided to say, "Christ was just one man." The number one is not "the loneliest number" but has power to change people's lives .
"Why" is one word that has shaped people, families, and nations. One person has made a difference in voting politically and directing nations and people.
Christ ultimately shows to us the greatest power of impacting and changing lives; Ultimately His brothers and sisters lives on an individual level as well as collective.
Why Not? Why not live up to our potential? Why not see ourselves as our Heavenly Father and Christ see us? We are children of God. We have the power to impact individual’s lives. In my high school there was a saying which greatly impacted me which said. "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." I love this saying but I want to change it. To Christ we are worth the world, and to one person we may be the world if we point them to Christ.
Let us never think we are not talented, gifted, or pretty enough to make a difference. We all have the light of Christ and a body. When Enoch was called to be a prophet he felt very inadequate. He said, "Why is it that I have found favor in thy sight, and am but a lad, and all the people hate me; for I am slow of speech." The Lord then so lovingly replies, "Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance, for all flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good...Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me."(Moses 6:31-34) Let us "walk with [Christ]". For that is where the power is.