At the beginning of such a hard race the task may seem daunting. As one slowly completes jumps after jump and lap after lap their muscles get tired and fatigued. Often the athlete have to just focus on clearing the next hurdle or running the next 100 meters.

Our life is much like a steeplechase. There are many hurdles to jump. There are times in the races when we are relaxed and on a straight away. There are times when we are striving to clear a hurdle. There are times a hurdle seems too big for one to jump. There are times the race ahead seems to daunting to conquer. Let us remember Christ has run the race before us. He knows it perfectly, and as our loving coach He will not lead us astray if we listen to His tender voice.
As we finish it will be well worth the tears, sweat, and strength it took to finish the race. For we have been changed into a champion in the process.
gracias paul!