Friday, August 12, 2011

The Lord Always Knows Best

One day Elder Trout and myself felt inspired to go and vist a couple of less active members.  As we tried each house we would find no one home. After this happening a couple of times we ended up with an individual whom we were lacking the house number on their address. We walked to a members home to find out the specific home for this less active.  We knocked on the members door and no one answered.  In frustration we decided to knock all of the doors on the street to find whom we were looking for.  The first house told us to come back.  A little ways down we knocked on another house to which a young mother and her daughter answered the door.  They were excitted to learn more about Christ's message about families.  We taught them a little and set up a return appointment.  By the time we were done talking to them we did not have time to try the other doors on the other side of the street to find the initial person whom we were looking for.  On the way to our next appointment we talked to a man in his garage who had just lost a son.  We were able to direct him to Christ and resources which could help him understand why and give him comfort.
The Lord taught me alot through this experience.  He did not want us to go over there because of that less active member whom we were looking for.  He had others in mind , so from now on when something does not go the way that I thought it would or should I am going to strive to have faith to allow the Lord to accomplish what he had in mind for everything happens for a reason.  We all have the opportunity to allow Heavenly Father to use us to help others around us.  How grateful I am for that.  There are numberless blessings waiting in the wings of our lives just waiting to come on stage.  It is our job to give the stage to them by our faith produced actions.

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