Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Living on the edge

There was once a young man who went cliff jumping with all of his friends.  As the day wore on the boys got higher and higher with each jump.  As the boys got higher they starting thinking, "I could get hurt!”, but the fear of disappointing the others kept them jumping.  One of the boys climbed up past the rest of them to make the highest jump of the day.  He jumped off but when he landed everyone could hear the smack of skin against the water.  The young man had landed sideways as he hit the water breaking a rib.  Some of the boys who were already at the bottom jumped into the water dragging their friend out. 

These boys new deep down inside if they did not stop that one of them was going to eventually get hurt.  Why did they keep going? 

Fear of disappointing  is something which has tied down many people from reaching their dreams and having experiences, but “perfect love casteth out fear."(1 john 4:18).  How does one obtain this love? 

The prophet Moroni answered this question in the Book of Mormon by saying, "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ.” (Moroni 7:48)

The first step is prayer.  Not just talking but pleading with all the energy of our souls.  The gift of love will be blessed upon all those who pray and are true followers of Jesus Christ.  Obedience is what characterizes a true follower of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that we plead for love, and then have faith in Jesus Christ to be obedient.

Christ lives and loves us.

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